Partnership Fund /// Fundusz Partnerstwa
Supporting local communities since 2004
Mission and goals
The Partnership Fund (FP) is an independent organization working since 2004 and specializing in granting activity in the range of sustainable development. It supports financially, essentially and practically community initiatives for sustainable development based on natural and cultural heritage undertook by the citizens, non-government organizations, schools and other institutions. The Fund encourages local communities to undertake and implement initiatives which promote important sustainable solutions, significant for natural and cultural heritage saving. These initiatives influence the improvement of locality's image, quality of life and they lead to changes in the way how the environmental and social resources are managed.
Activities undertaken by the Fund are achieved together with the companies, non-governmental organizations and public institutions. We appreciate the social and environmental values and propagate the idea of corporate social responsibility.
Our main tools:
- We organize and conduct the small grants program on implementing sustainable development activities,
- We train, support, advise and help the participants of the projects,
- We motivate the activity of small non-government organizations and local communities,
- We build the identity and partner relations on the level of municipality,
- We propagate the grant making activity and promote pro-environmental attitude, responsible consumption, fair trade etc.
- We create and manage Corporate Social Responsibility prepared for business partners of the Partnership Fund.
Background and history
The Partnership Fund is using the acquisition and experience in managing small grants program of Polish Office of the Environmental Partnership for Central Europe which was set up in 1992. The program administrated by the German Marshall Fund, since 1997 was led by the Polish Environmental Partnership Foundation (PEPF).
The Partnership Fund was established in 2004 by the PEPF in order to manage separately the small grants programs. In 2012 The Partnership Fund became fully independent foundation.
In 2004-2013 the Partnership Fund distributed 531 grants of the total amount of 3 930 094 PLN (almost 1 million EUR).
Main Program activities and directions
The Partnership Fund is active in all Poland, as well as in selected regions where it implements demonstrative programs and projects.
1. Open Grant Programs and Thematic Grant Programs
Partnership Fund main activity is grant-giving – supporting local communities with small grants focus on environment, citizen participation, leadership and education. At the moment main thematic grant program is the „Drop of the Beskidy Fund" (Fundusz Kropli Beskidu) developed and financed by the Coca Cola company. A grant program is focused on support for grassroots initiatives on water conservation in Beskid Sądecki, Carpathian Mountains, Malopolska Region (
2. Environmental-Cultural Education including active citizenship and leadership
The Partnership Fund runs programs and projects related to environmental-cultural education in a broad sense and targets it to different stakeholders, as NGOs, schools, local governments etc. The FP make use of its experiences and know how on specific themes related to environmental protection, energy and water protection, waste management, project management, financial management of projects, raising environmental campaigns, wise consumption etc. The FP is an active partner of various environmental advocacy networks of NGOs in Poland and Malopolska Region.
3. Water Conservation & Landscape
Based on the experiences of the "Drop of the Beskidy Fund", The Partnership Fund focusses on water and landscape conservation.
4. Ecotourism & Sustainable Tourism
The Partnership Funds works with experts in ecotourism and sustainable tourism in Poland. The ecotourism is understood in a very broad way, including protection and restoration of landscape and traditional architecture, community development, cultural revitalization, building sense of a place, new environmental technologies, quality improvement of services, fair trade etc.
5. Community involvement in the Nowa Huta district of Krakow
Since 2013 The Partnership Fund is also engaged in activities of its local community in Nowa Huta (environment, citizen participation, art) working with ArtZone and other local NGOs and leaders from the district.
Kraków /// Nowa Huta District
os. Teatralne 5/13,
31-945 Kraków,